Rowan (Year 2)


Miss Rowlands – Class Teacher



Mrs Probulis – Teaching Assistant 

Miss S Ellis - TA

Miss Ellis – Teaching Assistant

Within English we are reading the book ‘Troll Swap by Leigh Hodgkinson. The book centres around two characters who feel like they don’t belong who eventually learn that ‘home is where the heart is’ when they swap places. The children will be looking at the characters by exploring and predicting what happens within the story. They will be working towards creating their own description of two characters who swap places. Later in the term we will then enjoy the book ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ in which we will work towards creating a fact file about owl’s from information we collect from the text.



We are always trying to strengthen our fluency with counting and understanding number so this term we will be focussing on place value and using the four operations. We will be strengthening our knowledge through completing practicals and applying what we learn to fluency and problem solving questions. Our maths 4-a-day will be relevant to what we are learning to provide the children with more opportunities to practice their mathematical skills.



Within science we are learning about the life cycles of animals and humans. We will focus on scientific skills such as experimenting, observation and recording data. The children will understand the process of how animals and humans grow up to be adults.



In geography, our research question is ‘What Lies Beyond Warrington?’. The children will be developing their geographical skills by using atlases to explore the wider world. They will be learning about the United Kingdom, it’s capital cities and surrounding seas. We will explore the different continents and hemispheres by conducting our own research and presenting it to the class.



Our research question for history this term is ‘Why do we remember people from the past?’. We will be researching Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale and finding all about their involvement within the Crimean war. The children will be using their historical skills by conducting their own research as ‘historical detectives’. You can help your children at home by finding out about nursing in the past and about the lives of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.




RE – Christianity. ‘What Unites the Christian Community?’ 

‘Jesus Light of the World’

PSHE‘Being Me in My World’ and ‘Celebrating Difference’

Music‘Musical Me’ and ‘Orchestral Instruments’

Art Painting and Mixed Media

Design and TechnologyMechanisms- Making a Moving Monster

Computing‘Computing Sytems and Networks’ and ‘Algorithms and Debugging’


Class Novels

This term, we will be reading ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl.


Reading in Year 2 is very important and we really value the importance of children making progress within their reading and enjoying the books that they read. We will promote this within school by reading a class novel at the end of every day for enjoyment. 

The children need to have their reading books and record in school every day. We will work towards the children knowing when and where to change their reading books so that they gain more independence as the term progresses. Ideally children should be reading every night, but we are mindful that our busy lives sometimes prevent this. Children should aim to read at least three times a week. 



The children will continue to be taught a spelling rule for the week and will practise their spellings in our morning 4-a-day work, spelling lessons and homework. 

PE kits

PE is every Wednesday.  Children need black shorts, our Dallam Primary School blue PE T Shirt and trainers (pumps are no longer worn).

Water bottles

Please make sure that children have a water bottle in school every day.  It is really important that they keep hydrated and having a bottle in school the only way that they can access plenty of water quickly.

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