Welcome to Maple Class
Meet the team

Mrs Parfrey Mrs Carrothers
In English, we will be writing a recount letter based on Floella Benjamin’s experiences in the fabulous book “Coming To England”. The children will be learning how to use paragraphs, prepositions and beginning to explore speech punctuation.
Class Novel
Our class novel is ‘The BFG’ by Roald Dahl where we’ll read about Sophie’s adventures with The Big Friendly Giant as they try to save the world from evil giants. We’ll have fun with Dahl’s made-up words like whizzpopping, biffsquiggled and frobscottle.
Our geography question is “What are the different types of settlement in the UK?” We will learn the names and locations of counties and cities in the UK before looking at the human and physical characteristics of geographical regions of the UK. You could look at maps together at home to help your child to develop their map-reading skills and knowledge about cities in the UK.
Foundation Subjects
In design and technology, we will be improving our sewing skills by designing and making a cushion. In music we will be learning how to sing ballads before composing our own. We will be developing our drawing skills by considering tone and texture whilst drawing flowers in art. Our computing lessons will also have a creative focus as we create an animation using Scratch programming. In R.E., we will be considering how some people have served God and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. In Spanish, we will be learning to greet people and say how we are feeling.
In maths, we will start the term by focusing on place value as we learn to read and write numbers to 1000. We will then look at how to add and subtract 3 digit numbers before moving onto our 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
Our science lessons will have a physics focus as we will be learning about light, dark, shadows and how they form. What shadows can you make at home and how does their size change?
After half term, we will look at rocks and how they were made.
The children will be making observations, investigating, classifying and taking part in different scientific experiments.
Stone Age to Iron Age
Our history question is “Who were our prehistoric ancestors?” We’ll be finding out about the changes that took place from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and researching what life was like in Britain. Can you find any interesting facts with your child? You could use a book from Dallam library or research online together.
Useful Websites
Here are some useful websites that you can look at with your child at home.
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
Spellings – Spooky Spellings
Spooky Spellings || Practise spelling Common Exception Words (ictgames.com)
Grammar skills
Spelling and Grammar, English Games for 7-11 Years – Topmarks
Science – BBC Bitesize
If you would like any help or further information then please feel free to ask at the end of the school day.
Useful Information
- We will be having rugby sessions with Warrington Wolves on Fridays and PE lessons on Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child’s full PE kit (a blue Dallam PE polo shirt, black shorts and trainers) is in school each day. Long hair needs to be tied back for PE. After half term, PE lessons will be on a Monday and Wednesday.
- Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school so that they can have a drink during the day. Refillable bottles are preferable rather than single use plastic bottles.
- Your child should be reading at home every evening. This could be a book from home or a book from school. Reading records need to be signed each time a child reads and brought into school each day.
- Times tables or maths practice should be every evening and record books signed. Please initial and date the sheet at the back of your child’s reading record when they practise their times tables.
- Homework will go out on a Friday and is due to be completed by Wednesday.
Online Safety
The staff at Dallam are huge advocates of what an amazing tool the big wide web is. We are showing the children in Maple class how to use the internet safely. Please have a read through the links below that the Maple team have put together for you. If you need any advice or to discuss matters further please see us any day at hometime.