Welcome to Oak Class (Year 6)

Miss L Pickavance – KS2 Lead & class Teacher

Mrs C Brabin – Teacher

Mrs A Ritchie – TA
Our history for the autumn term is based on the question, “Who were the Sumerians?” and centres around a study of Mesopotamia; in particular the ancient city state of Sumer and the achievements, culture and religion of the Sumerians.
Our geography for the autumn is based on the question, “What is it like at the summit of the world?”. In particular, we will be learning about the tallest mountains in the world. The children will also learn about the human and physical features of the Himalayan mountain range. They will study Mount Everest in detail and be able to describe and understand key aspects of it.
We would like to encourage you to explore these subjects at home with your child. Homework activities that we would like you to do with your child to support his/her learning are:
- Design and make a model of a ziggurat (you will need to research what this is first).
- Use Google Maps to look at some of the mountain ranges in the world.
- Use a map of the world to locate where ancient Mesopotamia was or locate the Himalayan mountains.
- Visit the local library or use the internet to research about ancient Sumer or Mount Everest. Can you prepare a short presentation to share with the class?
Don’t forget to send in or tell us about anything that your child does at home.
To get a headstart on your learning, click on the images below to find out more information.
Our Class Book
Class Book- The Nowhere Emporium
Class Author- Ross Mackenzie
Our class author this term is Ross Mackenzie, a multi- award-winning author from Scotland. His highly-acclaimed fantasy novel The Nowhere Emporium won numerous accolades including the Blue Peter Book Award and the Scottish Children’s. As part of our English reading curriculum, we will be reading this book every day in school and completing some work on it in guided reading.
Things to remember
Important things to remember:
- PE lessons will be on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Children need a full kit and a change of suitable footwear which they should keep in school every day.
- On Monday we will set a piece of English homework.
- On Wednesday we will set a piece of maths homework.
In Year 6 we are keen to develop good habits for high school so homework is always due in the day after it is set. Year 6 children have special study and workbooks for homework tasks. Children are expected to look after these books and bring them to school every day. Work in these books should be completed in pencil or pen and should be neatly presented.
In addition to this homework, we are also expected to practise our reading and number skills daily. Just like in every other year group, we need to have our reading records books signed every day.
Important Dates
Closing date for secondary school admissions –5pm on Tuesday 31st October 2024
- PGL Residential Friday 20thth-22nd September
- Parent’s meting for PGL: Thursday 12th September 2:45pm
- Key Stage Two SATS 12th May-15th May 2025
This is an extremely important year as we prepare for the SATs tests in May. Please ensure that your child is in school and on time every day. Missing school during this term could affect how well they do in their tests.
In English, we will be exploring narrative writing through a picture book called ‘The Selfish Giant’ by Oscar Wilde. We will have a very strong focus on using a wide range of conjunctions to extend sentences in a variety of ways. We will also concentrate on the vocabulary we are using to ensure that sentences include appropriate and adventurous nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and pronouns. Throughout all our writing tasks, the importance of editing and improving our work will be a key feature of our learning.
In maths, we will begin with a focus on place value before revising and extending our addition, subtraction and multiplication skills to include more complex decimals. In division we will be extending our skills to include long division. By Christmas, we will have developed our understanding of fractions to enable us to add, subtract, multiply and divide mixed numbers and improper fractions. There will be a strong emphasis on reasoning and problem solving through all maths work.
In science, we will be learning about how plants and animals are classified and undertaking a project on evolution and inheritance. Finding out about the work of the scientists Carl Linnaeus and Charles Darwin will help your child with these topics.