Miss E Crowe – Teacher
Mrs J Brooks – TA
During our writing lessons, we will be reading ‘The Queen of the Falls’ which is about a woman called Annie Edson Taylor. Our final writing outcome will be a series of diaries based on significant events in her life. We will be working on identifying the audience and purpose of writing, organising paragraphs around a theme and using commas to clarify meaning.
Our class novel this term is ‘There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom’ by Louis Sachar.
Websites your child could use at home:
For grammar skills:
SPAG Tests Online – Practice Grammar & Punctuation Tests Online
For spellings:
Spooky Spellings || Practise spelling Common Exception Words (ictgames.com)
In Maths, we will be beginning the term looking at the place value of digits in numbers to 1 million. We will then move on to exploring strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, both mental and written.
Click on the link below to find thousands of problems for your children to solve at home.
Here are some links for games to help improve your mental maths skills.
Push the Button – times tables, doubles and halves and number bonds.
Loop Cards – addition and subtraction facts, doubles and halves and times tables.
Woodlands Junior – lots of different maths games to improve your mental maths.
Remember to keep practicing your times tables every night.
Our science topics this term our Earth and Space and Forces. Some of the things we will be learning about are the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system and the effect of the forces of gravity, air resistance and friction.
We would like to encourage you to explore our learning at home with your child. Some example activities that you could do to support them with their learning are:
Make a model of a space rocket or the solar system.
Use tissue paper, string and Lego figures to make a parachute and test it out.
Visit the library at Dallam Community Hub and find some non-fiction books about Space or forces. Can you find any interesting facts to bring back to class?
Click on the images below to do some of your own research on out science topics.
We will be learning about the Ancient Maya civilisation and finding out where and when they lived. We will become historians by looking at evidence to build up a picture of their daily life.
What will I find across the Atlantic Ocean?
Our Geography learning will focus on the continents of North and South America. We will be locating countries, states and cities and looking at the human and physical features there.
Click on the image below to find out more!
Other curriculum areas
Computing – exploring search engines
DT- cooking and nurition/ stuctures
Art- painting and mixed media
Music- composition notation
RE – Christianity
Useful Information
Useful Information
The children have PE on Wednesday this term. On these days, they will need a full PE kit: school PE top, black shorts or tracksuit bottoms and trainers.
This can be through the online platforms that school offer or another way. This should be logged in their homework diary with date and signature. Their homework diaries will be checked daily.
Children will also be given homework on a Friday and it will be due on the following Wednesday. The homework will be English and maths based and will reinforce the learning in school. Homework set will be on Google Classroom and children should complete the activities in their homework book. Paper copies will also be available for anyone that struggles to access Google Classroom at home. Spellings will also be posted weekly on Google Classroom; they will complete a dictation on a Friday so please practise them at home to help them prepare for this.
As well as their set homework, you can also help your child by encouraging them to use Oxford Reading Buddy, TT Rockstars, and Spag.com
Oxford Reading Buddy
Sign In | Oxford Reading Buddy (oup.com)
TT Rockstars
SPAG Tests Online – Practice Grammar & Punctuation Tests Onlin
Important Dates
10th September – Adventure Day with Active Hope
w/b 23rd September – After school clubs begin
w/b 30th September – parent drop in
3rd October – National Poetry Day
29th and 30th October – Parents Evenings
31st October – Halloween Disco
w/b 18th November – Bikeability
5th December – Christmas Fayre