Welcome to Seedlings (2 year olds Nursery)
Our two year olds begin their school journey in Seedlings class. Seedlings classroom is equipped to meet the specific needs of our two year olds. In our classroom you will find:
Mrs Leffler ( Nursery Teacher)
Miss Bradley (Teaching Assistant – Seedlings room leader / Key Worker)
Miss Kellett (Teaching Assistant / Key Worker)

Welcome to Seedlings! We are very excited to welcome you all to our classroom.
This term we will be settling into our Nursery environment and building relationships with both our adults and other children in the room.
We will focus on the prime areas of learning making sure your child is secure in these areas:
Communication and Language development
Personal, Social and Emotional development
Physical development
This year we have a new Early Years framework which we use for guidance to teach your children. We will use a mix of Development matters and Birth to 5 to support your child’s development and learning. For more information about these documents see the links below:
“Eye’s, nose, fingers and toes”
We will have a key book to help focus our learning, this will be “Eyes, nose, fingers and toes”. The children will learn this story through the Talk for Writing approach where we use drama, actions, story maps and visual prompts to help us.
We will be learning all about what makes us unique with a focus on recognising familiar parts of our faces.
Along side our story we will be singing our favourite nursery rhymes.

What we do each day
Children have plenty of time to play each day. This gives them plenty of opportunity to explore the world around them, problem solve, make their own choices, develop social skills and much more. Our two year olds love to spend time outdoors where they can be active whilst exploring the environment. Each day, we spend time doing small group activities that help us develop important life skills such as how to get along with others, how to communicate effectively and how to become confident. We love to express ourselves through messy activities, songs, music and stories.
Key worker system
Key workers develop close relationships with children and their families to make sure needs are met and that children are able to make good progress. They help children to work towards their next steps and record their progress in their learning journey books. Key workers maintain a calm and nurturing environment for children to flourish.Â
Communication and Language
Communication and Language is one of the Prime Areas of Learning in the Early Years Curriculum.
We teach the three aspects of this, Speaking, Understanding and Listening and Attention throughout all of our adult directed and child initiated sessions. Communication and Language skills are important for learning across the whole curriculum so it is vital that we get this right for our children.Â
If you would like to see the expectations for your child’s Communication and Language skills please see the attached “Small Talk” document.Â
We may talk to you in the first half-term if we believe your child could benefit from some extra support from Warrington’s Speech and Language services. Please feel free to ask any member of the Early Years team if you have any questions.Â