Hazel (KS1 DP)

Me picture

Mrs. Jones
Class Teacher


Leanne picture

Miss Brown
Teaching Assistant 


Miss E Lacey TA

Miss Lacey
Teaching Assistant

We are excited to welcome you to Hazel class!

 The children in our class have a balanced curriculum which is supported by both the EYFS  and the KS1 National Curriculum to help support your childs development and learning. Children have access to both carpet sessions and continuous provision which is tailored to meeting the development of your child in the following areas of learning:

Personal, Social and emotional development   – (PSHE)

Communication and Language development

Physical development – (PE)

Literacy Development  – (English)

Mathematical development  – (Maths) 

Understanding the world  – (History/ Geography/ Science/ Languages and Computing) 

Expressive arts and design  –  (Music, Art and Design and Technology)



Attention Autism

Children in Hazel class will have daily Attention Autism sessions. 

Attention Autism is an intervention approach developed by Speech and Language Therapist Gina Davies which aims to work on the early fundamentals of language including awareness of others, attention, listening, shared attention, switching attention and turn taking. 

We will complete daily activites that help to develop our gross motor and fine motor skills as well as develop spacial awareness and balance skills which are all integral for the development of writing skills. 






We will follow the Talk for Writing approach to support our literacy skills. Children will be encouraged to retell our chosen story each half term through the use of story maps. We will complete a range of activites each week to develop our understanding of books and story structure. 

Our book this half term is The Gruffalo

The gruffalo


Children in Hazel class will have daily phonics sessions where we cover all aspects of phase 1 phonics:

Aspect 1: Environmental sounds

Aspect 2: Instrumental sounds

Aspect 3: Body percussion

Aspect 4: Rhythm and Rhyme

Aspect 5: Alliteration

Aspect 6: Voice sounds

Aspect 7: Oral segmenting and blending

Phase 1 phonics develops children’s speaking and listening skills. It develops childrens ability to atune to the sounds around them so that they can begin to develop oral blending and segmenting skills. 

We will then complete focus activites based on our school Phonics scheme Read Write Inc. Where children will learn weekly sounds and develop skills to segment and blend words. 


We also have a daily Mathematics carpet session. We use Numberblocks to help support our children with their maths skills through the NCETM. 

Numberblocks is a pre-school BBC television series aimed at introducing children to early number. 

Snappy animation and loveable characters combine with engaging storylines to gently introduce concepts of number to support early mathematical understanding. 

For episodes: 


For information about the NCETM:


More Information