Mrs Helen Wooster
Mrs Sarah Arnold
Teaching Assistant – Monday and Tuesday

Mrs Ashlie Jones
Teaching Assistant – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Miss Fay Thomason
Teaching Assistant
What's happening this term?
Welcome to all our children and families in Ash Class! We hope you had a fun filled time with your family over summer.
This half term we will be new and exciting for the children. There will be lots of new experiances and routines. This half term we will gradually build up our timetable so that the children can get used to the different expectations in Reception. We will have all aspects of our timetable in place by the October holiday.
Our Pathways to Write story books this term will be Peace at Last and The Three Little Pigs! The children will learn these stories through the Pathways to Write approach where we use drama, actions, story maps and visual prompts to help us.
For more details please see our project letter.
Here are some of the rhymes we will be learning;
5 little Men in a flying saucer (this is for national poetry day)
Special People
Poor little pigs
Reading Books
To begin with, your child will be recieving a sharing book for you to share and read to them. This is an opportunity to foster the love for reading and for them to hear how stories read, engage with book and talk about the characters and events which are happening. Please make sure that your child reads at least 3 times a week and complete the reading record with any comments about your child’s engagement with the story. We change reading books once a week, however your child’s reading record book needs to be in everyday as they are checked daily.
Reading Rockets
Later this term the children will also be receiving a Reading Rocket. These are words that the children have to learn by sight. The children will progress up the rockets once they can confidently read all the words on each rocket. There are Ten rockets to get. Can you get them all?