Lead – Mrs Frodsham and Miss Pickavance
Kapow primary is used to support teachers to be confident that they are teaching engaging, knowledge-rich lessons with a progressive scheme that covers the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Key Files
At Dallam Community Primary School, we believe that art is a vital part of pupils’ education and has a significant and valuable role in our curriculum: it stimulates creativity, imagination and inventiveness.
We aim to deliver a high-quality art, and design curriculum which engages, inspires and challenges all pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own compositions in visual and/or tactile form.
Through high quality teaching, we aim to give pupils opportunities to explore materials and processes. We encourage children to discuss their work and that of their peers by making references to artists who have inspired them and enrich the curriculum by exposure to a range of artists through visitors and visits and making links across the curriculum.