At Dallam Primary School children learn in a language rich environment from the moment that they join our Nursery, and this continues throughout their time in our school. It is crucial that children develop a life-long love of reading and this begins in our Nursery where there is a strong focus on communication. Adults engage in high quality conversations in a language rich environment.
In Nursery, adults talk with children about the world around them. Adults read with children, enjoy rhymes, poems and songs together. Children learn how to handle books, tune into sounds and rhyme, and learn that print carries meaning. They begin to develop an understanding of story structure and characters through joining in with books.
Reception children are further immersed into learning areas promoting a love of reading. Children enjoy orally retelling stories with adults and peers, through sharing books or through drama and play. Adults select a variety of books that become familiar stories for children to remember and retell. Our Talk for Writing approach supports oral rehearsal of known stories and innovating new ones. The teaching of phonics using our Read Write Inc scheme continues at pace in Recepton. Children engage in a daily phonics lessons and they begin to segment and blend words. They move onto reading our phonetically decodable books which are closely matched to the sounds that children are learning in class. In both Reception and Year 1, children take home a phonetically matched book and a second book to share with an adult at home.
How to help your child with their reading.
We love welcoming parents and carers into school for reading workshops and to enjoy children reading.
Dallam Primary School Librarians
Winnie our dog mentor
Winnie helps us with so much of our school life, including picking us some great books to read!
Reading at Dallam Primary School
We believe that learning to read is one of the most important things that children will learn to do at our school and that is why it is a key priority in our curriculum. We are focused on making sure that every child at Dallam Primary School learns to read as quickly and as successfully as possible. At Dallam, we love reading and this is why we work hard to make sure children develop an enjoyment of books as well as developing vital reading skills.
Read Write Inc Phonics
As children progress through key stage 1 we aim for the children to use their phonic knowledge automatically and recognise the combinations of letters that make different sounds with fluency. Our children are very familiar with our Read Write Inc as it is a well established reading programme in our school. We use Read Write Inc to teach phonics and we use the Read Write Inc books as part of our phonetically decodable reading scheme.
In EYFS and Key Stage 1 children use the Read Write Inc speed sounds chart and patters to identify phonemes, both in reading lessons and also to support them in the wider curriculum.
Children learn phonics in small differentiated groups which are focused on the aim of speedy response to all 40+ phonemes/graphemes and developing knowledge of alternative sounds. Children are assessed frequently, movement between groups is flexible and children are targeted to ensure each individual’s progression is as fast as it can possibly be. The phonic knowledge of all children in key stage I is tracked and where necessary support via interventions is implemented quickly. This may also continue into key stage 2.
Children are supported in the reading of common exception words (red words), suffixes, syllables and contractions. Our aim is to support children to become fluent readers rapidly. Children will read a book several times; once to initially decode, then discuss and then read in a ‘story teller voice’ until fluent.
In Year 2, improving fluency when reading continues to be a priority as children move on to more challenging texts. Children learn in small reading groups where books are matched closely to their reading ability. Quality questioning ensures all areas of comprehension are explored and children are encouraged to compare books and form opinions.
Reading areas in EYFS and Key Stage 1 are refreshed frequently and include current class authors, talk for writing text, familiar stories and book linked to project and science. In daily story telling adults enjoy modelling reading and introducing new vocabulary. EYFS follow a carefully designed reading spine of traditional stories and books that encourage empathy and understanding of the world.
In Year 2, improving fluency when reading continues to be a priority as children move on to more challenging texts. Children learn in small reading groups where books are matched closely to their reading ability. Quality questioning ensures all areas of comprehension are explored. Children are encouraged to compare books and form opinions.
Throughout school, teachers engage in conversations that introduce children to similar authors, encouraging reading for pleasure and how to choose books to read at their table and those that they read at home.
All classes order half termly project and science reading boxes from an outside provider which enables quality reading through the curriculum and a constant refresh of reading resources.
Class novels are an integral part of our reading curriculum. Each class has an allocated text as part of our class novel spine. These books are often classics and at a level slightly harder than the children experience hear reading being modelled and discover new vocabulary. This is where children can enjoy sharing a long text over a longer period of time. Reading of the class novel is prioritised every day and, depending on the age of the children, they will complete written tasks focussed on the class novel.
As children progress through Key Stage 2, the teaching of reading takes on more whole class reading. Here the children will read and discuss short extracts, unpicking vocabulary, composition and meaning. Whole class reading introduces children to a wide variety of genres and subject matter. Often, the text will link to reading for empathy, link to the wider curriculum, make connections between authors or encourage children to seek out new authors.
Dallam Primary School Library
Meet our Librarians. They have completed special training with Cheshire Library Service.
Our librarians meet weekly and are keen to promote keep developing our library and promote reading throughout school.
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