Lead – Mrs Wooster

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Hero Img 4Jas News

 We follow the Real PE scheme for core PE,  gymnastics and Dance.

Tom Mellor, our Sports coach delivers games and specalised coaching, on Wednesdays and Thursdays. 

 PE quote


At Dallam Community Primary School, we ensure that our PE curriculum is inclusive and engages all pupils. It is an integral part of our wider curriculum and ensures that children experience a broad range of sports and physical activities. It is our intention that children acquire, develop and refine their practical skills and techniques and develop the emotional and thinking skills needed to achieve in PE, Sport and life. We are committed to promoting a diverse range of physical activity at different points in the school day and beyond so that all children can experience success and find activities that inspire them to be more active.

Our aim is to deliver high quality teaching and learning which enables all children to succeed; to enjoy physical activity and to be resilient and reflective. We believe in providing children with opportunities to develop leadership skills through sport and have a committed, well trained pupil group who provide peer support.  All activities are carried out in a safe and supportive environment, where effort and hard work, as well as success, are celebrated.

Children participate in competitive sport at different levels to foster a lifelong love of a wide range of physical activity. This is carefully planned through our progressive curriculum which includes  opportunities to compete. During PE lessons and playtimes, we recognise the importance of supporting children to understand what it is like to be part of a team where they develop confidence, collaboration and sportsmanship alongside our school values of respect, resilience, inclusivity, honesty, ambition and kindness. We prioritise challenge and personal best in all areas to inspire and develop character.

We foster a good understanding of the importance of health, fitness and wellbeing so that children leave Dallam Primary with an understanding of how exercise and sport can have a positive impact on their physical and mental health.

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