Lead – Mrs Parfrey
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At Dallam Community Primary School, Religious Education is taught in accordance with the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus ‘Searching for Meaning’. We aim to engage, motivate and inspire children to develop and affirm their own beliefs, values and attitudes through an exploration of shared human experiences.
We believe that studying religious and non-religious worldviews develops pupils’ knowledge and understanding and better prepares them for life in our multicultural and diverse society. The skills and attitudes developed through RE can make a significant contribution to promoting British Values. At the heart of the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus is the quest to understand what it is to be human. By learning about, and from, religion children can become more open minded, respectful and achieve greater self-awareness. Pupils need to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to make sense of the complex world in which they live so that they can ‘respect religious and cultural differences and contribute to a cohesive and compassionate society’ (RE Review 2013).
The Lancashire Agreed Syllabus is used to support teachers to be confident that they are teaching engaging, knowledge-rich lessons with a progressive scheme that covers the requirements of the National Curriculum.