School Meals
We understand the importance of a healthy, quality meal time and our ‘family lunchtime’ has been recognised as excellent practice. We have 3 sittings to ensure that no sitting is too big. Children have quality time to talk to their friends and staff over the dinner table. Staff encourage good speaking and listening skills, table manners and healthy eating options.
Sue, our cook, plans a range of delicious, nutritious hot meals. My personal favourite is the curry! We encourage the children to try new tastes and healthy options. We operate the universal free school meal system for all pupils in early years and KS1. The cost of a meal is £2.80 and we use the cashless system, ParentPay. If you would like more information about ParentPay, please ask a member of the school office.
Healthy Snack
We are proud to have achieved Healthy School status. Children can bring in a healthy snack each day or they can buy toast for £1 a week.
Please send £1 into school in an envelope with your child by 9.30am each Friday morning to pay for toast for the following week.
Alternatively you can pay for the term by bank transfer direct to school. Please use your child’s name and ‘TUCK’ as the reference. Thank you.
Account Number: 62763068
Sort Code: 30 – 99 – 14
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us