Safeguarding Overview

Safeguarding at Dallam

At Dallam Community Primary School our children and families are at the heart of everything we do. This means that safeguarding is everybody’s business, all of the time.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We review our child protection policy and procedures frequently, or whole school staff are regularly trained in Safeguarding practices and receive half-termly updates from our Stay Safe Team on relevant topics. 

The Stay Safe Team meet fortnightly to discuss how to best support our children and families and any additional actions we can take to help. 

We have close relationships with the Early Help team based in the Children’s Centre next door to school and other professionals at Social Care and in the police service. 

Meet the Stay Safe Team…

new safeguarding hand image

A “Helping Hand” for our children, families and community at Dallam Community Primary School.

Amanda Downey(4)

Amanda Downey
Mrs V Horner - Deputy Head (1)
Deputy Headteacher / Designated Safeguarding Lead
Vikki Horner
Mrs R Wilson - Deputy D.S.L(1)
Deputy Safeguarding Lead / Family Liaison Lead
Rachael Wilson
Mrs A Harrison - SENDCo & DP Lead(1)
Assistant Headteacher / DP Leader / Mental Health Lead
Ann Harrison
Mrs S Wood - Mainstream Inclusion Lead(1)
Strategic Attendance Lead / PSHE Lead
Sue Wood

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