Prevent Strategy

Prevent Statement

Introduction to the Prevent Strategy

Everyone who comes into contact with children, young people and their families has a role to play in safeguarding. Schools and colleges have a duty of care to their pupils and staff which includes safeguarding them from the risk of being drawn into terrorism – this includes not just violent extremism but also non-violent extremism, which can create an atmosphere conducive to terrorism and can popularise views which terrorists exploit. Schools and colleges should be safe spaces in which children and young people can understand and discuss sensitive topics, including terrorism and the extremist ideas that are part of the terrorist ideology and learn how to challenge these ideas.

The aim of Prevent is to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Prevent also extends to supporting the rehabilitation and disengagement of those already involved in terrorism.

The objectives of Prevent are to:

  • tackle the ideological causes of terrorism
  • intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation
  • enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate

See below for Dallam Community Primary School’s Prevent Statement and Prevent Risk Assessment:

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