

Lead-Mrs Brabin & Miss Pickavance

  • treasure hunting
  • teeth brushing
  • melting ice
  • spell making
  • gardening
  • construction dinosaurs
  • melting ice 2
  • pssow-webpage-banner

The People Education scheme of work is used to support teachers to be confident that they are teaching engaging, knowledge-rich lessons with a progressive scheme that covers the requiremnts of the National Curriculum. 

Key Files

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At Dallam Primary, children acquire key skills, knowledge and vocabulary outlined in the National Curriculum 2014 and the Early Years Foundation Profile 2018, to enable them to think and communicate scientifically and ask scientific questions. We are committed to providing as many opportunities both inside and outside the classroom as possible, to expose our children to a wide range of scientific experiences.

With a focus on the 5 strands of enquiry: Pattern seeking, research, identifying and classifying, fair testing, comparative testing and observing over time, we foster a sense of curiosity about the world in which we live, through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics.

Through our science curriculum, children develop as collaborative, independent and reflective learners. At each stage, children build upon prior learning so that they are well prepared for the next step in their education and ultimately, to make a true difference to the world they live in. Employment opportunities in Warrington have a strong STEM focus and we prepare our children for the jobs they may take in the future.

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  • science display 1
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