SEND at Dallam Primary School
At Dallam CP School, we believe in supporting all learners through high quality teaching to allow them to make the most progress they possibly can. Our aim is to cater for individual needs through a range of provision to enable all children to achieve. This does not mean that we will treat all learners in the same way, but that we will respond to learners in ways that take account of their varied life experiences and needs
S.E.N.D. Team
There are a team of people who work in school to support children with S.E.N.D.
We have a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities co-ordinator (SENDco), Miss Isabel Kendal, and a S.E.N.D. support teacher, Mrs Laura Wigley who works closely with teachers to support them to meet the children’s needs.
Mrs Muschamp and Mrs Conroy work alongside the SENDCO to complete assessments and referrals and support children in classes.
Mrs Marsland and Mrs Jenkins support children with speech and language programmes.
Mrs Wood and Mrs Wilson support children with their mental health and well-being.
Designated Provision
Within our school we have four classes for children who have an Education Health Care plans (E.H.C. plans). The places for the Designated Provision are allocated by a Local Authority panel of professionals according to need. These are small classes with a higher ratio of staff where the curriculum can be more personalised. The classes cater for children who have been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Condition. All of the children from the Designated Provision classes have opportunities to mix with their mainstream peers and are fully included in school life.
Mrs Ann Harrison is our very experienced Designated Provision Lead. If you have any questions about what we provide she can be contacted at
We recognise that that some of our children may experience difficulties with their learning at some point during their school life. Some of our children may have a disability that without consideration may cause barriers to their learning. Some children may need work, support or equipment that is different from or additional to the rest of their class.
We do this in the first incidence by providing good quality teaching in class for all children that is tailored to their needs and abilities.
We strongly believe that all teachers are teachers of S.E.N.D.
How we support children with SEND
- Work will be adapted and differentiated to meet the needs of the child.
- Individual targets may be given.
- Support may be given by the teacher individually or in a small group
- Most classrooms have a teacher and teaching assistant. Within the teaching assistant’s role, there is time allocated for children with SE.N.D.
- Additional support may be given from a SEN Teacher or TA working on specific interventions.
- Staff will work with parents to keep them informed and discuss any activities which can be completed at home.
- Occasionally a child requires assessments or support from an outside agency e.g. Educational Psychologist. This will be discussed with parents and a referral form will be completed followed by an assessment. This will provide further evidence or advice needed to support the child.
- In the Designated Provision classes there are smaller class sizes and a higher ratio of the staff to provide higher levels of support and personalisation where needed.
Parent’s Report
We recognise that parents may have some questions about all areas of S.E.N.D. and how we identify, plan and make provision for our children. We hope you will find the answers to any questions you may have in our school offer, the accessibility plan, and in our special needs policy. Links to policies can be found above and a hard copy of these can be obtained from the school office.
Local Authority offer
To find out about local services and activities available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) please click the link below or call 01925 442659,
Warrington SEND, Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS) is an organisation that helps parents, carers and young people with special educational needs in early education settings, schools and colleges.
They work in partnership with parents, schools, colleges, local authority and other service providers. Call on 01925 442978 or
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If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us