Equality Statement

Equality Statement

Equality Information and Objectives Statement

 1. Context

Dallam is, and traditionally has been, a highly diverse school, reflecting the diversity in both the local community and the wider Warrington area:

  • Boys and Girls across the age range 2 – 11 years
  • Multi-faith
  • Multiple ethnic groups
  • A specific Designated Provision unit
  • High proportion of children eligible for Free School Meals
  • Growing population of non UK nationals

2. Vision for Equality & Diversity

Dallam Primary School has a school vision which is rooted in an unwavering commitment to ensure the success of every pupil. Equality of opportunity is at the heart of our vision – Success at the Heart of the Community – with an insistence that all pupils will achieve regardless of their age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Our qualities statement is guided by our core values which we apply to all children regardless of background:

  • We are resilient: we push ourselves to improve and work hard to make it happen for our children and families
  • We recognise and embrace difference: we are proud of our inclusivity
  • We respect everyone and their views: we strive to ensure that everyone in our school community feels valued and equal
  • We have high ambition, for our children, families and community and champion our school at every opportunity
  • We are kind and caring and help each other wherever we possibly can
  • We value truthfullness and strive to be open and honest in all our communications

3. Data relevant to Equality and Diversity

In line with the Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010), we publish the following data:



Number of pupils

Average 261

Number of staff


Number of Governors



Non-denominational school

Attainment on entry

Below average 

Pupil mobility

Close to average

Free School Meals

Pupils eligible for Pupil Premium

63% – well above average

63% Jan 2023


11 out of a possible 17 ethnic groups are represented in our school population

Those groups that have above 5% are:

Asian or Asian British – 6%

 White British – 70%

Other White Background – 15%

English as an additional language

27% – above average

Special Needs

16%  SEN support

12%  pupils with an EHC plan

well above average

Average attendance rates


School deprivation indicator

In the 20% most deprived schools nationally

Awards and recognitions

Committed to Inclusion Award 2021/22

Peer to Peer review of provision for children within the designated Provision at Dallam: outstanding

4. School Development plan: Our Equality Objectives

 Due regard is given to the Equality Duty aims outlined in the Equality Act 2010 when decision-making, developing and reviewing policies and delivering services.

General (whole school):

  • Further improve assessment systems to identify barriers for pupils with Special Education Needs or Disabilities. Accreditation of Inclusion Award by July 2023. 
  • Improve pupil knowledge and attitudes to enable them to appreciate and value difference and diversity – for example exploring protected characteristics in a way that children understand. This will be done through whole school assemblies, collective worship, theme weeks and months, the RE and PSHE curriculum and by focusing on one of the core values   per ½  term
  • Pupil surveys indicate instances of bullying are rare and that staff deal with incidents effectively. We aim to further reduce the number of prejudice-related bullying/ use of derogatory language incidents through pupil engagement via the School Council, Assemblies, PHSE etc.  
  • To recognise and embrace diversity and equality through teaching, resources and displays around school 
  • To ensure children have an understanding that the freedom to choose and hold other faiths and beliefs is protected in law through direct teaching and Collective Worship.

Specific (sub groups to be targeted, as identified by our data):

  • Ensure that pupils in receipt of pupil premium grant can access all aspects of the curriculum equally to their peers through through quality T&L, performance management and individual support. (See Pupil Premium Strategy). This will result in the differences in outcomes for  pupils eligible for pupil premium funding and their peers being reduced by July 2023.
  • Continue to improve attendance for pupils  to be broadly in line with National Average year-on-year as we recover from the effects of the pandemic  get closer to a target of 96% attendance by the end of July 2023. Thorough monitoring and rigorous school systems will support this objective.
  • Encourage the participation of SEND pupils (including those in designated provision) and those eligible for pupil premium funding in before and after school activities and educational visits: addressing barriers to attendance wherever possible. 
  • In the plan, driven by our data and daily experience with the children, there are no specific prioritised E&D actions in relation to race, disability, religion or sexual orientation. 

The role of the governing body

The Dallam School Governing Body is the “responsible body” for ensuring that the school meets the requirements of equality legislation. At Dallam the Governing Body will:

  • Ensure that the school takes all reasonable steps to ensure that its employees do not carry out unlawful discriminatory actions or behaviour
  • Support and guide the school to have “due regard” for equality in all its functions
  • Ensure the school complies with the Equality Duty and meets the two “specific duties” for schools

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