Every Monday at 9:05am and Friday at 9:05am we hold a family assembly where we welcome family and friends.
On Monday we celebrate children who have been chosen to be in Mrs Downey’s book of excellence because they have either completed outstanding work or have shown an outstanding attitude to learning (you will find this information out in the weekly newsletter on Friday).
We celebrate children whose attendance is outstanding and award the weekly class attendance prize. We also reward children for learning at home and discuss Mad about Maths, our maths homework and Reading Champions.
We love to hear about achievements from outside of school; we know that many of the children are part of a club or group and ask that you tell us about them so that we can celebrate together.
Throughout the year there are other opportunities for you to come into school to find out how your child is taught through open mornings. In the past we have held literacy, maths and phonics workshops. These are always well attended and you have told us that you appreciate the insight into new maths and writing methods. Many of you have said how different school is since you were there!
On Friday we celebrate learning. Each week a different class tells the rest of the school what they have been learning over the term. The children love speaking in front of an audience and are especially excited when they know their family and friends are there.
You are very welcome to attend these Monday and Friday assemblies, children love it when they see their parents in the audience!
Look out for our communications
Every Friday Mrs Downey writes the weekly newsletter. This contains important information about what is going on this week, the children who are in Mrs Downey’s Book of Excellence and will be celebrated in Monday’s assembly and other school wide news. Your questions, comments or concerns are often answered in our communications. We send the newsletter every Friday on ParentMail and it is also available on the website here.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us