Who are the Friends of Dallam’s Children?

We are a registered charity who aim to raise funds to enrich the lives of the children in the Dallam area. We are a group of volunteers who maybe school staff, parents, carers and neighbours who play a very active role in the support of Dallam school and the local area. We are passionate about all our children achieving their full potential by raising funds to provide items which the school may not be able to supply.  With this in mind, we aim to encourage collaboration between all those associated with the school and involve as many people as possible to make our events accessible to all, fun and sociable by organising community and fund raising events throughout the year.

Our Aims

  • We endeavour to bring together our school and the community to raise funds for the purchase of additional equipment, which will enhance the childrens learning experiences.
  • We aim to make a difference to each and every child at Dallam.
  •  We aim to achieve this in fun ways by organising events for the enjoyment of the children, their families and neighbours. These include school disco’s, film nights, seasonal fete’s (Christmas and Summer fayres,) Easter Bingo, Mothers day Afternoon Tea and funding trips to enable the children to have new experiences outside of the classroom.

  • To create an ethos where the whole community feels welcome and are included in supporting their school that works together for our children in anyway they can.

  • To value and appreciate all who help and welcome anyone who feels they can be supportive.

How you can help

The FODC committee are always on the look out for new ideas and events which are not just limited to the children but where the whole family will be invited to join in and enjoy the fun. Whether it be baking cakes, serving refreshments or to simply help out generally, your enthusiasm and willingness will go a long way to ensuring that our children enjoy the best possible experiences and facilities in a safe, fun environment.

If you feel that you can help in any way, even if it’s only an idea or opinion, it will be greatly appreciated, please get in touch with the FODC by calling at the school office or contacting us at our email address:

We’re not looking for lots of people to turn up to committee meetings but for volunteers to take on small items to share the work.

Every little really helps, any time you’re able to give is appreciated.

List of events for 2018-2019

Halloween Disco                       31st October 2018   3.45-5.00pm refreshments – hotdogs, crisps and a drink   £2.25

Pantomime                                18th December 2018  whole school 

Valentines Disco                       Sorry we have had to postpone this.

Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea   21st March 2019 – refreshments – cakes, sandwiches and a drink. Games and general get together entrance a £1 

Easter Bingo                              9th April 2019  3.30pm – refreshments provided  – hotdogs and cold drinks,  £10 per strip of six books                            

Summer Fayre                          17th July 2019- 2.30pm start – come and join our event, many stalls, fair rides, bouncy slide and refreshments – lots of fun

Halloween Disco                      24th October 2019  3.45-5pm refreshments – hotdog, crisps and a drink £2.25

Christmas Fayre                       27th November 2019  2.30pm start £1 entrance – Father Christmas, stalls, tombola, crafts and refreshments.

Christmas Ball                          19th December 2019 3.45 – 5pm refreshments – hotdog, crisps and a drink £2.25

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