At Dallam Primary School we pride ourselves in the exciting enrichment activities we offer to all our children. The clubs are wide ranging and we try to cater for every age and interest and reflect our commitment in developing children into confident individuals with their own interests.
We also take part in competitions throughout the year and encourage everyone to get involved. These have included sporting victories and team achievements to choir and baking competitions.
Each term a brochure is sent home detailing the clubs that are on offer. This is then returned to school and confirmation of places sent out to parents and carers.
Have a look at some of the clubs we are offering this term in our brochure below.
Our After School Clubs are always very popular, so we ask that if your child is allocated a place in a club that you encourage them to attend every week. If your child does not attend for 2 consecutive weeks their place will be offered to someone on the waiting list.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us