Governance Statement

Annual Governance Statement for the Governing Body of Dallam Community Primary School

Academic Year 2022-23

In accordance with the Government” ™s requirement for all governing bodies, the 3 core strategic functions of the Governing Body of Dallam Community Primary School are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governance Arrangements

The Governing Body of Dallam Community Primary consists of the following members;

  • Head Teacher – Mrs Amanda Downey
  • 1 staff governor – Mr Geoff Boulter
  • 2 elected parent governors – Mrs Chelsey Norton, together with Mrs Shireen Mohammed who joined us at the end of the academic year
  • 1 Local Authority governor – Mr Graeme White
  • 6 co-opted governors – Miss Ashlea O” ™Rourke, Mrs Ann Harrison, Mrs Donna Kendal, Mrs Jennie Pirks, Dr Margaret Emsley and Mrs Emma Whaley

Total – 11 members

During the 2022/23 academic year the full Governing Board met as a minimum once per term. Committees met, to consider different aspects of the school in detail and any actions or headlines are reported into the Full Governing Board meeting. Here at Dallam Community Primary School, we have a Resources Committee, Standards Committee and a Head Teacher Performance Management Committee. All of which receive regular updates from the school leadership team, as well as updates in relation to attainment, safeguarding, behaviour, attendance and special educational needs.

Our governors undertake a skills audit at the beginning of each year and attend training and refresher training, as appropriate, to ensure the Governing Body continues to have the appropriate mix of skills and expertise to effectively undertake its functions.

The work that we have done within our committees and in the governing body

During the academic year, the governing body monitored the school improvement plan and looked at its impact on pupil achievement and their wellbeing. We also carried out the Head Teachers Performance Management duty.

The Resources Committee (Finance/Personnel) met throughout the year to monitor the budget and staffing. Due to continued increased costs, school finances continue to be a challenge. The Resources Committee includes managing the Personnel arrangements at the school and these were monitored regularly to ensure adequate levels were maintained across school, to meet the needs of the children.

The Standards 1 Committee had previously had responsibility for reviewing performance and data and tracking pupil attainment and progress. From September 2022 this was incorporated into the full governing Board meetings.

Standards 2 committee became the only standards committee and met throughout the year with a focus on the curriculum. This included discussion with subject leaders and with children. The children talked passionately about their lessons and what they enjoyed most about being school. Governors particularly enjoyed meeting with History lead in the spring term to look at how the history curriculum had been redesigned and then seeing the evidence in books, learning walks and children” ™s assemblies

Last year, governors and the Headteacher undertook a collaborative exercise across the school community to reshape our school vision:  Nurture, Inspire and Achieve – Success at the Heart of the Community. This is now well embedded and governors were delighted when our OFSTED inspection in June celebrated Dallam as a school in the ” ˜heart of the community” ™

The OFSTED inspection in June graded Dallam as a ” ˜Good” ™ school with outstanding personal development for our children. The report celebrated the achievements of our children and how much they progress whilst they are with us; it recognised the positive impact of their admirable behaviour and attitudes to learning. This is testament to the hard work and dedication of our school team. Governors were very proud of our children and were delighted with the result. If you haven” ™t had an opportunity to read the report yet, follow the link below

Dallam OFSTED report June 2023

At the Governor Away day in September, governors took the opportunity to look at their link responsibilities and aligned them to the school development plan.  Governors have a nominated governor for safeguarding and special education needs (Mrs Donna Kendal). She meets termly with the SENDCo and with the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Future plans for the Governors

  • To support the school in improving attendance further
  • To support the school as we move forward with academisation and join The Challenge Academy Trust (TCAT)
  • To strengthen Governors skillset to ensure governors are aligned appropriately to the work of the Board and are therefore able to fully support the school

On behalf of the Governors of Dallam Primary School I would like to thank Mrs Downey, and all the staff for their hard work, commitment and enthusiasm, during this year. Also, may I express our special thanks to our parents and carers, for their continued support as together we help to make our school the very special and safe place that it is.

How you can contact the governing body

We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents and the community – please contact the Chair of Governors, via the school office or the email addresses below. 

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please contact our Chair of Governors, Ashlea O’Rourke on the contact details below.

Email address:

Alternatively, you can contact our business manager, Mrs. Kendal, for more information on 01925 633927 or by email

Governors Minutes
Meet our Governors

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